1.- Red crosses on wooden doors, and if you float you burn, loose talk around tables, abandon all reason, avoid all eye contact, do not react, shoot the messengers.

(Burn the Witch, A Moon Shaped Pool, 2016)


2.- My thoughts are misguided and a little naive. I twitch and I salivate like with myxomatosis. You should put me in a home or you should put me down.

(Myxomatosis (Judge, Jury & Executioner), Hail to the Thief, 2003)


3.- We are accidents waiting to happen.

(There There, Hail to the Thief, 2003)


4.- Remind me that once I was free, once I was cool, once I was me.

(A Reminder, OK Computer, 1997)


5.- I wish that they’d swoop down in a country lane, late at night when I’m driving. Take me on board their beautiful ship, show me the world as I’d love to see it.

(Subterranean Homesick Alien, OK Computer, 1997)


6.- So don’t get any big ideas, they’re not gonna happen.

(Nude, In Rainbows, 2007)


7.- I’m not living, I’m just killing time.

(True Love Waits, I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings EP, 2001, A Moon Shaped Pool LP, 2016)




Radiohead en acción: un show de 2 horas y media en el festival favorito de Jonny Greenwood