1.- Speak to me of heroin and speed, of genocide and suicide, of syphillis and greed. Speak to me the language of love, the language of violence, the language of heart.

The Whores Hustle and the Hustlers Whore/Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea LP/2000


2.- My fingers sting where I feel your fingers have been. Ghostly fingers moving my limbs. Oh God, I miss you.

The Piano/ White Chalk LP, 2007


3.- Hey, I’m one big queen, no one can stop me. Red light red green, sat back and watching. I’m your new one, second to no one. No sweat I’m clean, nothing can touch me.

50th Queenie/ Rid of Me LP, 1993


4.- Goddamn europeans! Take me back to beautiful England and the grey, damp filthiness of ages. And the battered books and fog rolling down behind the mountains. On the graveyards and dead sea-captains.

The Last Lving Rose/ Let Endgland Shake LP/ 2011


5.- Enouogh is enough, a line in the sand. Seven or eight thousand people killed by hand, they stepped off the edge, they did not step back. If we have not learnt by now then we’re a sham.

A Line in the Sand/ The Hope Six Demolition Project LP/ 2016


6.- Look at these, my child-bearing lips. Look at these, my ruby-red ruby lips. Look at these, my work strong-arms. You’ve got to see my bottle full of charm, lay it all at your feet. You turn around and say back to me. He said «Sheela-na-gig, you exhibitionist».

Sheela-na-gig/ Dry LP/ 1992


7.- I can’t believe that life’s so complex when I just want to sit here and watch you undress.

This is Love/ Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea LP/ 2000