Vamos a dar un repaso a los fragmentos del universo onírico que Lush dibujó en su arte sonoro. Entre capas de guitarras etéreas y voces seductoramente hipnóticas, este grupo inglés supo capturar de manera especial la melancolía y la belleza efímera del shoegaze y el dreampop. También sus letras, a menudo enigmáticas y llenas de sensibilidad, nos sumergieron en un mundo donde el deseo y la introspección se tomaron de la mano. En esta recopilación vamos a encontrar verdaderas tormentas emocionales, mucha dulzura, anhelos no correspondidos y los naufragios del tiempo:


1.- We blow around like tiny leaves in a big storm, finding there’s nothing left to breathe or to keep warm. You ebb and flow and your rhythm beats my head. Leave me alone while you swallow up your dead.

Lovelife/ Split LP/ 1994


2.- My desires can’t be bought in black and white, only you make me feel secure inside. For I know you really love no one but me, and I smile because they think it’s fantasy.

Fantasy/ Spooky LP/ 1992


3.- I’m a hypocrite, I dish it out but I can’t take it. I know you think it’s wrong and maybe you’re right, but this is my song.

Hypocrite/ Split LP/ 1994


4.- Inside me there’s a separate girl. She’s winning and I’m losing control, she’s coming but my eyes are closed, she’s coming but I wake up and it leaves me cold.

Leaves Me Cold/ Mad Love EP/ 1990


5.- And if it hurts you too, I hope you know that I’m still fond of you. And if its still unfair, remember that I thought you never cared.

Etheriel/ Scar mini album/ 1989


6.- Floating away, under the waves, kiss me again. You’ll tell me when. Salt on my lips, cool fingertips, under the sea. Stay here with me.

Ocean/ SpookyLP/ 1992


7.- You feel like I do: like the whole world’s forgotten you.

Lit Up/ Split LP/ 1994