Amanda Palmer5

Parece que su faceta como madre ha revivido la inspiración musical en Amanda Palmer. La semana pasada fuimos testigos de una confesión íntima hecha canción, y ahora tenemos un nuevo single oficial intitulado «Machete». Esta grabación contó con la ayuda de Jherek Bishcoff (con quien lanzó hace poco un EP de covers de David Bowie) y fue estrenada vía Bandcamp para que todos podamos escucharla en línea. A continuación la compartimos, seguido de sus letras:


[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=4059919643 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff tracklist=false artwork=small]



i have never liked the box of knives
you said was a paradox because you’re kind
but withstood a childhood that robbed you blind
of love that was safe and so you learned to fight

what do i do with this stuff?
it seems like yesterday i called you up
i had a terrible case of the past
i didn’t know how to get it off
i didn’t know how to get it off

and you took
your machete
and you sliced through the vines that wrapped around me
and you said
i don’t know what i’m doing
so i’ll just keep on cutting
it’s worth a little blood to get your arms free

i’ve never liked the box of knives
i thought was a paradox because you’re kind
but withstood a childhood that robbed you blind
of love that was safe and so you learned to fight

what do i do with this stuff?
it seems like yesterday i fell in love
i kept of covering the soft parts up
i didn’t know how to get them off
i didn’t know how to get them off

and you took your machete
and you hacked through the woods in the surrounding
and you said
i don’t know where i’m going
i just know that i’m heading from
the dead things piling up behind me

and you took
your machete
and you carved out a path to my chest and you said see
there’s nothing not worth keeping
you’ve felt so many beatings
nothing’s going to work if you believe me
nothing’s going to work if you believe me

i have never liked the box of knives
you said was a paradox because you’re kind
but withstood a childhood that robbed you blind
of love that was safe and so you learned to fight

i have never liked the box of knives
i took it to the oceanside the day you died
i stood out on the dock
no matter how hard i tried
i couldn’t drop them in
and i collapsed and cried:

what do i do with this stuff?
it seems like yesterday you were alive
and it’s as if you never really died
and it’s as if you never really died.

and you took
your machete
and you said boo guess who
but seriously, beauty
you said
see ?
you get the drill now don’t you
it’s not a will or won’t
you can’t keep making symbols out of nothing

so i took your machete
and i sliced off your head and you laughed
and you said see
it’s just like anti matter
it’s dumbo’s magic feather
you don’t need me here to cut you
you don’t need me here to cut you
you don’t need me here to cut you
you don’t need me here to cut you
